Submit a short question below for the candidates on an issue you care about.

Here are some tips that will make your question more interesting to debate moderators:

  • Make it personal. This is extremely important. Moderators will be looking for questions that provide personal stories or a connection to the question.  (For example, "I graduated deeply in debt..." or "My student loans prevent me from...")
  • Make it current. Good facts or statistics to back up your question are helpful, and tying it to something current in the news should really catch debate moderators' eyes.
  • Open-ended questions that call for a detailed response are better than yes/no questions.
  • Be specific. Limit your question to a single, clearly articulated topic.
  • Submit questions as a civically engaged person, not as an organization.
  • Make sure your question could be posed to either candidate, or both of them.
  • Don't reference either candidate in the question or the supporting text.

(Your name, question and supporting text may be made public.)